Changes i have made are as followed:

1. Design changes: Have changed the bachground for each level, so as the number of enemies for each level.  Have also created 3 levels, each one with their own characteristics for example: the background, number of enemies, how the enemy is killed, how the player can with the game.
On the first level the player needs to open the wall and cross the gate without being killed, on the second level , the player needs to catch the key and open the wall,after the wall is passed , the portal is shown but it cannot be crossed if the enemy is not killed so to win the game the enemy needs to be dead, the last level is the hardest one based on the number of enemies and the boss enemy. 

2.Esthetic change: Based on our game level i have added different enemies and 3 levels in total. Have added audio effect but not created by me. Have also added different backgound details, enemies on each level.

3. Mechanical changes: I have added three levels, each one with its own details, including here backgound details also other features.I have changed the number of drops to 2, and I have added 4 elements to be dropped when the enemy is killed each one with 0.25 of chance to be dropped.
All the button are functional and clickable also the GAME WORKS. When one level wins the next level is shown, also when the game is over the message is shown too, the whole scene mainmenu is OK so is the level select button and at the about text button i have also added the 3 changes i have made on this game (based on the tips given for this project).


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